Contact: mohammad DOT mehboudi AT tuwien DOT ac DOT at

Mohammad Mehboudi

English: I am a postdoc with Marcus Huber since March 2023. I am from Shiraz, did my Bsc in Tafresh, and my Msc in Tehran (all in Iran). My PhD was supervised by Anna Sanpera in UAB, Barcelona (2014—2017). I have carried few postdocs before joining the group: 2017—2019 with Antonio Acin at ICFO, Barcelona; 2019—2020 ICFO—Max Planck fellow; and 2020—2023 with Nicolas Brunner in Geneva. My main research line is quantum metrology. In particular I aim at identifying the fundamental limitations in parameter estimation; exploring what advantages quantum phenomenon such as entanglement, criticality, or phase space negativity can offer. I am also interested in how they will fade away via (or how resistance they are to) environmental impacts and/or ignorance! My favorite parameter is temperature; in particular I spend a lot of my time to understand the ultimate limits of thermometry precision in different physical platforms (namely Bosonic and Fermionic cold gases) and experimental schemes to attain these limits.

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